Stay Creative! It's for your wellness? You may feel like you don’t have a creative bone in your body but you do! Maybe you are all about creativity, but life is busy and it is easy to set creativity aside for the tyranny of the urgent! Wherever you are I want to encourage you to stay creative!
Creativity is an important part of who we are as individuals. Each of us is creative in some way, your way. Taking time to nurture this is part of your holistic wellness.
Creativity looks different for everyone and did you know you can be really bad, I mean really bad at whatever project you chose and you still reap the benefits of creativity? How awesome is that?!!! You can be terrible and feel better!!! Let’s look at why being creative is good for you.
Benefits of expressing yourself through Creativity:
Improves your mood
Can help you be more comfortable socially
Improves your patience
Improves concentration
Improves self-value
Improves your cognitive function
Reduces stress and anxiety
Improves the ability to problem solve
Improves self-awareness
Increases feelings of happiness
May help reduce dementia
Can help boost your immune system
OK, I’m convinced it’s good, you may say, but what does it look like? It looks like however, you express yourself! You are free to fully be yourself and express yourself as you are uniquely made and as you desire, not what you "think" it should look like. If you are unsure where to begin here are some ideas.
Some ways creativity might by be expressed: (Just some, not all!)
Painting - watercolor, acrylic, etc.
Painting - homes, walls, furniture, etc.
Art journaling
Making jewelry
Making cards
Tap Dance
Hip Hop
Flower arranging
Paper crafts
Wood burning
Fairy Gardens
Many, many, many more ways!
As you step into creativity don’t be afraid to learn and grow. Personally, I like to start off as an expert, but that isn’t really how it works. Mastery doesn’t happen overnight, but creativity happens in an instant! I started watercolor about 5 years ago, I don’t have technique, I’ve never taken art, and sometimes it is really bad! But I’ve learned to be imperfect, to be more patient, to be more kind to myself, to let things go, and to start over if need be. I am a better person because I allowed myself to be a beginner and imperfect and I still gain all the benefits listed above! Remember that even a master has space to learn, so go easy on yourself.
As you discover your own creativity it may be helpful to join a group in your area of interest, take a class, follow YouTube videos, or read up on your topic. I encourage you to take advantage of tools that will help you grow in your creativity and don’t be afraid to “try on” activities until you find a good fit. If you’d like to learn more about the importance of making a space for your creativity I highly recommend the book “Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World” by Eve Rodsky as well as books specific to the creative thing that speaks to your heart.
Creative space is for others too! As you take time for things like creativity you will find you are more able to meet the busy demands in your life, like family, home, business, and all the many things you do! Even though it seems like you’ll have less time!! Crazy, but true! Stay creative and remember to have fun!
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