I love my Kitchenaid! Truly!
I leave mine out on the counter all of the time. Not for some sort of "look at me! I have a kitchenaid" reason, but because:
1. It weighs a ton!
2. If it's out, I'll actually use it
3. It is a reminder to be grateful (story below).
This amazing piece of machinery can be intimidating. I mean it slices, spirializes, makes pasta, kneads, beats, blends, grinds, it probably makes the bed! It is a workhorse! But don't fear! this post is about using the basic tools that come with it - no fancy attachments needed. Wanted? Sure! The attachments are dreamy! But you don't need them for your day to day needs.
Ways to use your Kitchenaid with the standard tools
Shred meat - This is especially great for chicken, but can be used for other meats. Fully cook the meat until tender, drop in the bowl and mix. Especially great for chicken, I just drop the chicken pieces in whole and mix until fully shredded. We use this for tacos and BBQ.
Make Meatloaf - Most of us blend the meat by hand, but by mixing it in the Kitchenaid it will be tighter and hold together better.
Whipped Cream - Chill the whisk and bowl before making whipped cream for better results. Pop in the fridge for about 30 minutes before using.
Use it for mixing things you wouldn't normally mix with a mixer. I use it to blend my homemade granola before baking, so that it is evenly coated. Or try it for mashed potatoes, guacamole, or omelets etc.
Egg salad - You can put whole hard boiled eggs in the bowl, mix and boom! Perfect egg salad.
Make butter - Use the whisk attachment and blend until the liquid buttermilk releases. Drain the liquid, rinse under cold water and squeeze out all of the liquid with your hand, repeat a couple of times. Put back in the mixing bowl and mix in salt or seasonings if making seasoned butter. Refrigerate and use.
Knead dough - I know, that's obvious, but it makes bread making so easy. Though a good hand kneading time is great for stress release!!
Gluten Free doughs - Gluten is what makes bread "stick" it holds it together. Gluten free breads and be tricky to manage, but using the Kitchenaid helps thoroughly mix and knead it even though it won't have the same bounce as wheat bread dough.
Using the Kitchenaid (stand mixers) is a great hands free and quick way to do more in your kitchen.
Tip: If you are going to purchase any extra tool, I highly recommend the splatter guard. It keeps things from flying out of the machine while you mix and has a nice opening to add things more easily.
Why my Kitchenaid reminds me to be grateful
Many years ago I was a young, divorced, mother of two and had debt that I thought I'd carry for the rest of my life. But I worked hard! Very hard! Very, very hard. I also did the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University program and in 4 years (That was a lot then, but a little now) I was debt free! I was still fairly poor, but it felt like I was rich just to be rid of that debt! It gave our little family opportunities to do more "fun" things and me the chance to stress less.
Here I was, four years later, with a savings account and no debt!! It was Black Friday and Kitchenaids were super reduced and I decided to do it! Had a chunk of money left after meeting my goals and realized that if I didn't do this now, as sort of a reward for all the hard work, I would never do it. I would never spend that kind of money on myself. So, I did. - I believe in rewards and treats BTW!
I bought a bright red Kitchenaid so that it would stand out, so that every time I walked into the kitchen I would be reminded to be grateful for where I am now, and grateful for hard work. I would also be reminded to be frugal and responsible and to make space for fun and living. Mostly, to set the tone of gratitude in our little home. (If I had it to do over again I'd get yellow or orange!! -I've also learned to just be myself more!).
Maybe you can't get a big red Kitchenaid, find something that is a visual reminder to be grateful; it can be as simple as a note on your mirror or a little card. We all have stories, what have you learned from one of your stories?
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