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Wellness Monday: Step into a Better Mindset

Writer's picture: Lisa Wright BurbachLisa Wright Burbach

mind body graphic

This month we are Stepping in and Stepping out and we will start with stepping into a better mindset.

Let’s step into a mindset of loving our whole selves and step out into the world as a powerful person! Embrace the fact that a healthy lifestyle is about way more than losing some weight. Step out of fear and anxiety and into boldness and confidence. Avoid burnout and bring the whole family along with you to better mental health! Let's get started with stepping into a better mindset.


Did you know that mental health makes a big difference in your physical health and happiness?! Plus, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so I can’t think of a better time and place to work on improving our state of mind. Our mental health and our mindset is the heart of wellness and wellness change.

We usually view mental health as completely separate from physical health. However, they are more closely related than most people think. Oftentimes the state of your mindset is reflected in how you look and other physical aspects of health. While they are not totally causal, they are strongly correlated. Good mental health is typically associated with good physical health, and poor mental health is typically associated with poor physical health. 😔 The mind and body are so strongly interconnected that to have true whole health we need to recognize both.

To be more specific, people who struggle with mental health tend to have higher risks of chronic disease and illness like depression, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and gastrointestinal issues. Poor mental health also contributes to sleep problems like sleep apnea or insomnia. In fact, around 50% to 80% of people with mental health conditions also have sleeping problems – as compared to just 10% to 18% of the general population having sleep problems.  And poor sleep absolutely impacts your physical health in so many ways.

Let's start by learning to be aware:

wellness questions

This is just for your own awareness, so be honest! You can stick to these questions specifically, or you can just use them to guide your thoughts while you freely journal. Just know that if you are not honest with yourself about where you are at, then you will not do what is necessary to improve things.

Now that you know where you’re at mentally, we can do something about it! Hopefully you have identified some things that you want to work on most. We all have struggles, but they look and feel differently to everyone. The good news is that there are a few proven strategies for helping to reduce stress, depression and anxiety and improve your mental health and mindset that we can all benefit from – no matter what it is that you are specifically struggling with.

ideas to help with mental health

I hope you have paused to think about the importance of mental health and mindset and this helps you be ready to dive into complete wellness. Next week join us as we talk about treading towards true health.

‼️ Note: If you are struggling with your mental health in a way that severely impacts your daily activities and functions and/or your relationships with others, please seek professional help. This blog is for entertainment and not to diagnose, treat, or mitgate symptoms.

Adapted with permission from Coach Content Collaboration (affiliate link)


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